Bath Sailing Club

Bath Sailing Club is a small friendly club that traditionally meets at The Village Club in Bathford (58 High Street, BA1 7SN) at 19:15 for 19:45 on the second Monday of the month throughout the winter.

Meetings usually start with an informal gathering in the bar then move into the function room for a talk from a guest speaker.  The Crown Inn, just down the hill, serves excellent food should you fancy a meal first.

The club also organises RYA courses, obtaining group discounts for the participants.

Some club members offer berths on their own boats and others are willing to act as crew. Several club members privately charter, not as part of the club, and are often looking for additional crew to share the cost. If you are looking to get into sailing but do not have a yacht or the experience to charter on your own this may be of interest to you.

For more information, please contact the Secretary or Chairman via our Contact page, or turn up on the night at The Village Club for a warm welcome!

Next meeting

Spring / Summer 2024

Sailing opportunities

Unfortunately events transpired against us and we were not able to mount a full rally at the end of May as planned.  Here’s hoping there will be opportunities for club members to get together on the water later in the summer.

Whatever you do this summer, especially if it is water-based, have a wonderful time. Fair winds!


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