Programme 2024-25

Monday 9 September 2024
AGM followed by film: ‘Meraki’  (mεράκι. Greek: to do something with creativity, love and passion)
In the face of overwhelming odds and financial constraints, Keith Oliver, an ordinary individual with an extraordinary dream, embarks on an epic journey of determination and resilience. Driven by an unwavering passion, he dedicated countless hours to constructing a 19ft boat within the confines of a makeshift tent, defying scepticism and doubters at every turn.
The ClassGlobe 5.80 is a 19ft one design, build-your-own cruiser (for those of us who remember, it feels like Barry Bucknell and the Mirror dinghy though somewhat bigger!) designed to be capable of fast, efficient solo (or even two-handed) transocean voyages.

Monday 14 October 2024
GUEST SPEAKER – Andrew McFarlane OBE, President, Bath Submariners Association. ‘HMS Dolphin 1882’
From sail-power to nuclear-power.  How the remarkable story of this auxiliary sloop of war reminds us of the important historical links between the City of Bath, the Royal Navy and specifically the submarine service.

Monday 11 November 2024
GUEST SPEAKER – Coxwain Dave Nichol RNLI. ‘200 years of Saving Lives at Sea’.

The story of the RNLI is one of courage and dedication. Across their 200-year history, RNLI lifesavers have answered the call to rescue. Day or night. On calm seas or into ferocious storms. If someone is in peril at sea, the RNLI will do all they can to save them.

Monday 9 December 2024
GUEST SPEAKER – Bernard Purrier. Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. ‘An introduction to the World of Whales and Dolphins’

Monday 13 January 2025
GUEST SPEAKER – Colin Rossiter, from The Canal & Rivers Trust. ‘The Kennet and Avon Canal’
An overview of the canal system: K&A history; why it was built, how it was built; dilapidation and restoration; current use.

Monday 10 February 2025

Monday 10 March 2025
GUEST SPEAKER – Tony Condor, Historian and Guide. ‘Gloucestershire and the Atlantic Slave Trade’
Gloucestershire was a base for people fighting to stop firstly the trade and then slavery itself. What was the slave trade?  What income did it generate?  What were the results for Gloucestershire including local characters such as Blathwayt of Dyrham House?  An illustrated talk that aims to tell the history – and leave the audience to make their own minds up.

Monday 14 April 2025
Members Evening
Likely an AwayDay visit, skittles social or a members talk

May/June 2025
MEMBER’S RALLY – details tba

Previous years' programmes

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